'100 Burpees | 50 Navy Seals / 200 push ups | my toughest home workout yet!'

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16:05 Feb 9, 2021
'Day 7 of my challenge to do 100 Burpees every day for 3 weeks.  Upped the pumps and the difficulty by throwing in Navy Seals.   I was goosed after the first 20 reps and doubts were entering my head, but I pushed through. It\'s amazing what the body will do when you push it!  My routine was:  10 1-pump 10 navy seals 10 1-pump 10 navy seals 10 1-pump 10 navy seals 10 1-pump 10 navy seals 10 1-pump 10 navy seals  This was by far the most difficult routine I have performed since I started this fitness journey 7 weeks ago. I would have had no chance of competing this workout back then, and shows how quickly improvements to fitness can happen when you consistently exercise and gradually push yourself harder.  I am 46 years old, on a mission to get in the shape of my life and prove that age is just a number.   I am a busy family guy, finding the time to workout, without a gym or special equipment - I believe these are not needed and for many, in fact, create excuses to hide behind. If you follow me you\'ll see my home workouts that I\'m using to get into the shape of my life. Hopefully I can inspire and motivate others.  Please Subscribe, Like and Comment. Support is gladly welcome as it motivates and pushes me to the next level. Thanks for watching.' 

Tags: motivation , Lockdown , shirtless , Burpees challenge , 100 push ups , 100 pushups , push up results , pushup results , prisoner workouts , prison workouts

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